Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Scripture Treasure Hunt

I found this great idea for helping to motivate the kids in reading their scriptures. It is on the Primary Group Page, if your interested I can give you the site to find it. Anyways the girls have a map for each section of the Book of Mormon when they finish a chapter they color a space on the map. When they finish the whole section like 1 Nephi they get a clue and a treasure box. Then when the finish 2 Nephi they get a jewel with a letter on it to put in their treasure box. So at the end they will have to figure out the special word that they are scripture hunting for with all the letters on the jewels.
These are our treasure boxes we made. The girls are doing such a great job in reading their scriptures. Ashley or Courtney will take time to read with Kylie if I am a little busy with studying. This has been a great success with our family. We are still working on our Morning Scripture Studying as Tiffani as to be to Seminary at 6:30 some days are better then others as Ashley and Kylie are the alarm clocks. They are the best in getting up and making sure everyone is ready to read, if they don't get up we just don't seem to make it. I am so proud of my children and the choices that they make and how they try to do the right things. I feel very blessed to have such 4 beautiful and happy girls. (Tiffani, left before I could get her in the picture.)


gretchen said...

You're such a great mom!

The Chambers Family said...

Thanks gretchen, so are you. Hey I can't get on your blog anymore. Did you lock me out?