Thursday, March 6, 2008

We Got Snow!!!!

Who would of thought that in March, that you could get snow in Texas? Now I can see snow in November, December, January, and even an ice storm in February, but come on, snow in March, with the first day of Spring only being few weeks away. That's one of the things that I really like about living in Texas, you really can have nice weather in March. I must admit that it looks so beautiful and it does makes me a little homesick.
This was our first snow storm it started Monday night, March 3, this is what we woke up to. Everyone was hoping that school would be cancelled but it wasn't, so the girls were a little sad and hoping the snow would still be there when they get home from school.
Kylie was so happy that we got snow, can you tell that she had been diagnosed for influenza B the day before? The doctor said she need to stay home for a few days. I think the snow must of cured her. She was doing great by Tues. afternoon.
Ashley and Kylie hoping that the snow won't melt for a little while, it was pretty much gone when Ashley got home from school.

Then we get hit with a second Snow Storm that comes in on Thursday afternoon, March 6, 2008. Everyone was going to pick up their children out of school and get them home, the weather people were predicting about 3-6 inches. I guess everyone just wanted to get their kids and get home and not have to go out in our little blizzard.

Look at those big flakes falling. Can you see them?

Ashley making a snow angle, she is one of my little angels.

Look at our snow storm, it was a good one.

I know you can't see the numbers very well but this was towards the end of the storm at it was measuring 4and 1/2 inches. By the time it was all done, we were at about 5 inches of snow.

Mike building a snowman family with Ashley and Kylie.

Courtney wanting to get in on the snow pictures even though she wouldn't go out and play in it.

The snowman family all done.


LoriT said...

LOVE the blog! I'll definitely add it to my must-read list.

Glad to hear that school and life are going well for you guys.

And after looking through your fun blog, do you know what I just realized??? I don't think that we paid you for the Christmas Eve sandwich! How INCREDIBLY embarrassing. Was it $10 or $20? Aagh! PLEASE remind me of the amount, and I'll MAIL you a check today!

Anyway, if you'll still be our friends even though we are your debtors, check your calendar and let us know when we can get together again . . . soon! :)

Julie said...

Hey there,
We got a little snow storm here today, but snow in Texas makes it a lot more exciting. How's school? Sure wish we lived closer! I used to come visit you guys all the time and now I hardly know ya'll! Everyone is so grown up. Love the pictures. Give my best to the fam! Love ya!

Allie said...

I'm so sick of the snow, you can have it! We NEED Spring around here. Typical Utah, we get a little taste of spring and I got my first sunburn, and then we got snow today! Argh! Anyway, love the new posts, even though I haven't a clue what that radio thingy is, Chris would probably think it's cool. Love and miss you all!

gretchen said...

Love the pictures!