Friday, August 14, 2009

Tiffani has her First Fender Bender!

The last day of school, Tiffani and a few of her friends were going to lunch when a guy ran into her. It made me so happy that she was driving the suburban. ( not happy that she was hit) Happy that she was in this big, sturdy, strong car! When she called me she said, "Everything is okay I have exchanged insurance information and I am driving over to the tire store right here to have the tire looked at." I tell her that I will be right there, she says no need mom I am good. I'll see you when I get home. Why do they have to grown up and not need us any more?

She also informs me that his car looks bad!! Once again I am so happy that she was driving the bus (as we call it). I know that she wasn't happy when the Honda died and we told her that her new car would be the suburban.....but I am so happy that she was driving the suburban. Happy that she was safe and that no one was hurt.

Here area some pictures of the damage that was done to the suburban.


Ramsey said...

SO glad Tiffani is ok! So independent! I love peeking at your blog Lisa and seeing how fun life is in Texas!!

A. Burge said...

It's so hard to let them grow up!! I'm glad nobody was hurt!