Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Working in the Flower Garden and bunnies

I am so thankful for Mike and his love of taking care of our yard! He loves to make our yard look beautiful and he even has a few daughters that want to help him. Thanks Mike for all you do and girls for helping your dad.

A couple of days later Mike and Ashley are working in the backyard, planting a few more trees and flowers when Mike hit something with the rake, first he thought it was a baby mouse but then realized it was a baby bunny and that their was a nest of baby bunnies. The girls thought they were cute and have loved watching them change every day...then they got big enough to leave and haven't come back...sad for them, yea for us as they like to eat the flowers.

The trees that Mike planted all along the fence.
Most of these trees will bloom flowers in the summer months.
Mike has really wanted a palm tree so he got one hopefully it wont die.

Look at those baby bunnies.
Why do we think that baby animals are so cute...
even when some of them can grow up to be a nuisance?!

A couple of days later:

1 comment:

LoriT said...

VERY cool pictures! And your yard is beautiful. We all commented on it when we were at your home last weekend.