Hanging out and watching a movie, and playing PS3

Six Flags what a day. Around 2:00 it started to rain and we had to leave because they closed all the rides. The Turpins got to see a Texas rainstorm.

We had such a fun time and wish they could have spent another week with us.
Swimming Parties
Reading the final Harry Potter Book.
Hanging out with the Waldron Family.
We love going over to our friends pool to swim, ride horses and drive the gator. We love hanging out in their peaceful corner of the world. They live about 20 minutes away from us on a ranch.
Tiffani Driving without a learners permit we are in so much trouble.

Our flower garden frog. This has been one of the top 5 wettest summer's in Texas and we seem to have a lot of frogs around.

August the time for change. As we get ready to start the new school year our ward is split and Tiffani loses all of her friends to the other ward. She is trying to make the best of this. Tiffani is a sophomore in HS this year. She did make the JV tennis team. Courtney is the the 7th grade and tried out for the middle school tennis team and made the B team. Ashley is in the fourth grade and decided to run for student council which we were all shocked since she is so quiet at school. She is on the student council and is glad she ran. She was also just moved to the more advance group in her gymnastics class. Kylie begins her 2nd year in school (1st grade) and is very excited. She really wanted to take an after school program that teaches Spanish and she thinks it is okay now but doesn't want to contiue on after this class is done. She loves playing tennis on Wednesdays after school with her friend Hope. I started my 2nd year with college classes hopefully one more to go and I can apply for the Hygiene Program. Mike is still working with AMI (well that is until April or May then we don't know what will happen) Life is always full of change. Can't wait to see our year in review for 2008.
Tiffani playing tennis on the High School JV team. Tiffani with her medal she won for a tennis tournament.
The group that went to the Home Coming Dance.
Kylie learning to ride her bike without training wheels.
Well that it is for the Chambers 2007 year in review. Thanks for looking at our family memories.