Saturday, November 17, 2007

Tiffani and Courtney a singing career?

Tiffani and Courtney singing, "Because I Believe"
at YWIE. They did such a good job. Mike and I
were very proud of them.
Courtney being funny!
Model Tiffani.
After the program the bishopric gave all of the girls
these crowns to wear because they are
"Daughters of a King".

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Cowgirl Kylie

Kylie was so excited to be a cowgirl for Halloween. She couldn't wait to wear her cowgirl boots.

Ocean Through Trees in Lovely Hawaii

View of Napali Coast Kalalau Trail

Kalalau Trail along the Napali Coast

Mike in Hawaii

Mike in the mud in Hawaii. I am glad I didn't go!!!

The Girls

All dressed up for church.


For Halloween the girls all dressed up and went trick or treating. Courtney was a Cheerleader, Ashley was a doctor, and Kylie was a cowgirl. Tiffani didn't dress up she went to her friends house and hung out with all her friends...she says shes to old to go trick or treating with us but she could go with her friends....what are we going to do with her?